
Sunday 6 November 2022

Roast Dinner


I get a message early Sunday morning from Emma "Dad how would you like me to come over and do a roast Dinner today?" before I could answer Emma is on the phone and after some discussion and not wanting to miss an Emma cooked Roast I said yes as long as I can contribute, I have a Turkey joint and some potatoes from the allotment here. 

A turkey joint came out of the freezer, and after a call from Emma informing me, she was running a little late, I slammed it in the oven. 

The reason Emma was late was because she had visited my plot on the way and harvested another three Suttons De Purple Cauliflowers and two huge cabbages. We got some ready for Sunday Lunch and all but one of the Cauliflowers was processed for freezing along with the rest of the cabbage. 

It's so rewarding when you eat what you grow. I definitely need to be more on it in 2023 re parsnips and carrots. Next weekend harvesting the beetroots and processing them.     

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