
Friday 18 November 2022

Red Cabbage Romanov F1 - Mr Fothergill's

I've been asked by my Son-In-law Andy to grow some Red Cabbage next year and when I saw this new variety added to Mr Fothergill's catalogue for 2023, I liked the fact that it has g
ood holding ability without splitting and thought "That will do Pig!" Babe & Babe In The City reference

Red Cabbage Romanov F1 is an elongated red cabbage like a rugby ball, up to 2kg in weight. It's a very tender and sweet-tasting crisp and colourful cabbage that's delicious raw or cooked and is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Thus, it's ideal for salads and slaw, a real summer cabbage which is also very good for pickling and braising with apple and red wine for Christmas. 

Sow outdoors thinly in a seed bed, 13mm (½”) deep directly into finely prepared soil which has already been watered. Seedlings usually appear in 14-21 days. Water well until plants are established. Transplant 45omm (18") apart when plants are about 10omm (4”) tall. Allow 450mm (18") between rows. Plant firmly and water well.

Or sow indoors 5mm (¼”) deep, in a tray of compost. Water well and place in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. Keep moist. Transplant 5cm (2”) apart to other trays when large enough to handle. Gradually accustom young plants to outside conditions before planting out 450mm (18") apart.

Red Cabbage Romanov F1 - Mr Fothergill's - 30 Seeds - Item Code 28398 - £2.40

Dobies have also added this variety to their 2023 Catalogue but sell a pack of seeds for £3.49 for 65 Seeds. Which works out to be a better per seed value but who really needs 65 red cabbage seeds? 

Mr Fothergills seeds were packed year ending June 2022 and have a Sow by date of 2025 so that's 10 seeds for the next 3 years, that's more than enough!

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