
Friday 4 November 2022

Fear Close Marketing

 I must say I get a little fed up with all the "Fear Close" offers that get sent via email from the large seed suppliers, there is always a time limit on the offer, to try and encourage you to buy something.

The latest one from Thompson & Morgan - exclusive app-only discount available for just 7 days. The "Fear" of you losing the offer is supposed to encourage you to take action download the app and make a purchase.

So basically T&M looking at the bottom line, you aren't bothered about those of us that just subscribe to the newsletter because you will be giving exclusive offers and discounts to app users only!

This kind of marketing puts me off a company rather than encourages me to buy, but there again I was in sales and marketing for a while early in my younger days and know the different ways to encourage people to part with their hard earnt cash.

If these companies were not so greedy and charged reasonable prices then we Allotment holders would not be using the likes of Premier Seeds Direct, Seeds to Sow, More Veg, Growseed, Simply Seeds, Seeds to Suit and Seed Megastore etc.

So now because I visited the Thompson & Morgan web site but didn't buy anything I get an email suggesting that if I would like to pay £10 to join their Gardening Club and get 10% off each order, so that means I need to buy £100 of stuff to get my £10 back!

But it's OK because they will give me £20 of vouchers for things I'm likely not to want anyway. 

Do people really pay into these schemes?

As for the 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, if that was true then why were there so many disgruntled customers posting about the state of plants received from T&M in the last three years? 

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