
Wednesday 9 June 2021

Plot Inspections


It's that time of the year again when plot inspections take place. 

I gave up undertaking the plot inspections and submitting them a few years ago after conflict with a fellow plot holder who got a non cultivation improvement notice and became somewhat aggressive and confrontational. Since then I have managed to get the council park department, another rep from another site or idverde to undertake the inspections. There is no point me putting myself up as a target. 

I met Jane the idverde allotment administrator on site at around 8am and we spent nearly two hours looking at plots. I basically identified the plot numbers as not all have up identification numbers on them. And also explained that, this tenant was currently in hospital and until 4 weeks ago was on top of the weeds. Another tenant had just lost her husband and is normally on top of things, and yes there are one or two that we have not seen or have only visited once or twice since last October.  

As we came out of wet May and into Sunny June the weeds have gone mad over a two to three week period. 

Those that came and cleared weeds during the first May bank holiday and have not been back since have a new crop of weeds to deal with. They will be receiving a  28 day notice to turn things around and if they don't, following a second inspection they will get a termination notices, especially as we have 14 plots and 36 people on the waiting list.

It is such a shame that some plot holders will pay for a plot and do nothing with it and just let it go to weeds that then flower and seed.  Those plot holders who do clear their plots then have to contend with seeds and blowing onto their cleared ground.  

Bottom line if you can't get down and keep your plot in order, give it up so that one of the many on the waiting list can come and take it over and actually keep the weeds under control and grow vegetables on it.  

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