
Friday 11 June 2021

Planting Sweetcorn & Bed Prep

Up super early today and nicely overcast so ideal to go over to the plot and give everything a good watering as it's been so sunny and hot for the last few days. I was on site from 7 until 10 and those 3 hours went way too fast.

I moved the couple of greenhouses in their packaging off a path,

Cleared two beds and laid the 105 hole planting membrane on them. I have beetroots in modules to plant and the rest of the bed to sow. On the other bed I sowed two rows of swede and parsnips will be going in the rest of the bed.

Sweetcorn planted out but due to poor germination only enough for one bed and four spares. I usually grow two beds worth so another  batch of catchup sweetcorn to be sown in the next couple of days.. 

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