
Saturday 12 June 2021

Hot Hot Hot

In hindsight I'm guessing it was really way to hot to plant out the Beetroots this afternoon but they really need to go in the ground as they are drying out way too fast in the modules.

They had a good soaking with water from the water butts and hopefully will survive until Monday morning which will be the next time I will be able to visit.

The plastic mesh had gone brittle so good thing that the rest of the roll was stored in the shed and so I replaced it.

Six Gherkin National plants have been planted and watered into a new layer of compost that I formed as a hillock and moat as I'm assuming that Gherkins are a little like cucumbers and don't like there roots to get saturated but are happy to search out the water.

Two rows of swede watered

Two Midnight F1 and Romenesco Courgettes planted at the end of the overflow Sweetcorn bed.

Radishes planted out into the high level planter beside the greenhouse on Plot 1.

Freecycle Paving slabs picked up this morning Laid between Square Foot Gardening Beds 1 & 2

What I did find funny was that the water pressure was so low today, I have no idea if it people filling pools or taking showers, but I later saw that Spencer Road around the corner also has very low water pressure so perhaps there is a major leak somewhere nearby?


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