
Monday 7 June 2021

Greenhouse Door

Early this morning giving the tomatoes a dip in water filled trays for half an hour each so they suck up the water from the bottom. 

Some sorting of the Micro Toms so they are in the tray near the eaves of the Norfolk Space Savet Greenhouse and the taller tomatoes will go in the middle bays where the door is.  

Radish really need to go in down the allotment 

Beetroots on the left and short Tomato seedlings on the right 

Aubergines Long Purple way behind the other varieties 

Spring onions taking their time 

Cucumbers, Gherkins and Courgettes need potting on to their own vending machine cups. 

During the evening rather than watch TV I potted on half of the plants in self watering pop bottles.

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