
Wednesday 16 June 2021

Blight Resistant Tomatoes

Early morning visit to Avalon (my allotment plots) to water before the sun comes racing up from the entrance path to the back of plot 1A. I also managed to get the tomato planting membrane laid down and planted Crimson Crush, Crimson Plum & Crimson Cherry.

Now people will understand why I put in four watering points in the membrane I made yesterday, as each one has a 2.5 litre Hydro Cup to slowly release the water into the ground and keep it nice and moist under the planting membrane for the tomato roots.

For more details about the Hydro Cups see

I was also really happy to see one of the entrance Agapanthus putting up a flower. I will be building a coupe of bed frames for the two plants to grow into.

The 75mm or 3" Spring Clamps that I had bought arrived today, so I took the opportunity with the bad weather warning for Thursday and Friday to use them to clip the netting to the blue water pipe just above the bed frame so that I don't loose any netting cover like I during the last high winds.

The new hosepipe splitter was fixed to the tap at the water butt as the old one had given up the ghost. It reached 29C today so everything got watered again especially the potatoes in buckets that were looking a little under the weather.

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