
Saturday 26 June 2021

2nd Tomato Bed & Quadgrow

 First Early morning visit for a week and the weeds have been loving the sunshine and showers over the last week. 2nd Narrow bed of tomatoes planted. The Tomato plant dug up by the foxes has not only recovered it put a bit of weight on and is looking a lot better than last week. Sweetcorn has been loving the weather and the last two tomato plants have been planted in the last two Quadgrow pots. Short visit as my daughter Kelly is helping me hang some wallpaper this afternoon.

Bed cleared raked and covered with the tomato planting membrane. I stole two of the Hydro cups from the first tomato bed to use on the 2nd.

The poor little tomato plant dug out by the fox last weekend

The same little tomato plant the fox dug out last weekend today!

All the quadgrows now have plants, but I have misplaced one of the mulching caps somewhere!

Raspberries have come up but the mares tail and other weeds have also been loving the recent weather. I have some serious weeding to do.

Radish coming on

Main Crop spuds have flowers

First early spuds turning colour

Onion bed needs weeding and where they are bolting the heads need snipping off.

Flowers on the main crop spuds in buckets

Red Onion Bed

White Onion Bed

Beetroot seedings showing more and the sweetcorn growing nicely 

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