
Sunday 5 July 2020

Planting Squash Visit II

I got to the allotment around 8am this morning and as I did it started to rain just a little, that fine rain that just saturates you slowly so. I said hello to my sister-in-law from a safe distance we have not seen each other since before lockdown as I'm still shielding the wife. I  then headed to my shed for a little cover from the rain that started to get heavier. 

The shed is a little bit of a mess (nothing unusual there then you may say), but there is only just about room so stand in there with the door on the jar otherwise what's hanging on the door (tools and a push hand mower) is going to get wet.

I was thinking about building a willow wigwam as a shelter in the corner of the plot, but the way the bindweed has taken over the bottom of the plot, I'm now thinking that's probably not a good idea! Once the second green house is finally erected I will always be able shelter in there as long as long as I don't fill it to the brim like I have the first greenhouse.

So thoughts of a canopy on the shed over the door has once again entered my head, and I think that's the way to go. Or perhaps an infill between the wall and the shed where the security guard sits maybe, or there again I could do both!    

With the second cut the kerb stones along the path with plot 2 once again become visible and nature is no longer hiding them.   

The next job was the get the six Waltham Butternut Squash seedling planted out, these took much longer to germinate than the Thompson & Morgan Mashed and Backed Potato varieties and they aren't as well developed.  I cleared the weeds from bed 7 that had the sweetcorn in last year and put the last two squash in each end of the bed  and I placed a squash in each corner of bed 9 at the bottom of the photo above. 

The plants were watered in and before I left for the day I placed a ring of envii Feed and Fortify Organic / Food grade around the Butternut squash seedling to provide a physical barrier to slugs and snails and to aid the plant's uptake of nutrients from the soil.

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The bindweed at the bottom of plot 1 was treated with weed killer, not that I really want to use weed killer on my plot, but at the moment I need every advantage that technology and not just hard work and time can give me. Bind weed is relentless especially after rain and in good weather.   

I took a peek in one of the two Daleks that were filled to the brim with apples last year and it's not fruit fly free and only half full so once I can expose the area around the Daleks I will lift them and wheelbarrow the compost to one of the new Daleks to the right of the phot above and relocate the Daleks at the end of the row. 

The Comfrey Bed needs knocking back and adding to the Daleks next visit 

My legs and feet are not used to me working them quite so hard after the cellulitis, and by 12 ish I'd had enough and made my way home to do Sunday dinner. Little and often and I will get in control of the plot again. 

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