
Friday 17 July 2020

Bindweed Clearance & Infrastructure

Birds Eye View before starting today 

My Daughter has today off so she is keeping an eye on my wife and giving me a couple of hours on the allotment to play catch up after four months away. I started by removing the timber stacked along the temporary path and moved it to the wood chipped area in front of the Dalek Army.

I then started to move the paving slabs from the front of the plot up to and around the greenhouse 

And then cleared the bind weed from around the first apple acidic composting Dalek which has broken down to about 50% volume.  The acidic compost is ready for decanting from the two Daleks in the photos into one of the Daleks in the Army. I can then relocate the two Daleks in this photo to the edge of the plot with the others.  

I had one 600mm x 600mm x 50mm slab for the main footpath into plot 1A, and moved the  other thinner 600mm x 600mm slabs either side of the greenhouse. I will eventually put two rows of Battenberg yellow and red slabs along the back to match the ones in the greenhouse

The bindweed along the wall of plot 1A has gone bonkers, I have completely lost the leaf bin to it and the raspberries. I've given in and have sprayed it with weed killer just to halt it from spreading anymore until I can clear it again.  The Dalek in this photo needs to be relocated along the path with the others.   

This has been knocked back a few times by my Daughter but it needs constant attention to make sure it can't get a foothold again. 

Parsnips the only root vegetables I got in the ground before Covid-19 hit us and put me into Shielding isolation for four months. 

Mash & Baked Butternut Squash 

Mash & Baked Butternut Squash 

Mash & Baked Butternut Squash 

I spent some time up the shady end of the plot when I got too hot and bothered as the sun was out and 27 Degrees C working on the Comfrey Bed. Trimmed it up and added to the active Dalek. 

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