
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Wednesday 30th July 2014

Up early to get Party Wall Awards completed printed and bound. Dropped off the wife at her sisters, went to the post office then on to the allotment. The council have now at long last fenced off the dangerous wall so I can stop worrying about my neighbours Mum who would sit where it is likely to end up when it goes over!

I cut the lacing members for the hoop cage on bed 14 and fixed then fixed the netting so ready for the weed membrane and planting of the cabbages, next visit.

Harvested Runner Beans, and another courgette where are they all coming from and so quickly? the four plants are beginning to spread outside the area I want them in and I have put their limbs back inside  :nowink: Noticed my first marrow growing Yipppeeeee.

Dug up the rest of the early potatoes out of bed 7 - sorted as new size new potatoes and large potatoes.

Collected the onions up and placed in a twin gravel tray to take home, I will leave them out in the sun for another day perhaps two before distributing them and storing them in the shed. I'm guessing the wife can freeze some?

Still not managed to net the mini portable hoop frame on Bed 2 which the beetroots will be going into - they are in the green house and looking OK

I moved the spring onions up a level and over turning them around to they will straighten up a little, they were leaning over to get the light where they were, Comfrey feed for them this weekend.

Two pallets in nice condition near the bins, so I rescued them and put them on my plot, hopefully I can get them apart without knackering the timber and use them to make a couple more 1.2m x 1.2m portable hoop frames.

Flowers on the peppers are turning into fruit.

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