
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Tuesday 8th July 2014

An hour and a half on the allotment. I had watered in the greenhouse and the grow house and was watering the dry bed of beetroots sowed directly when it suddenly came over black and started raining - Doh, It didn't amount to much so probably a good job done. 

I took two trays of spring onions in vending machine cups down to the allotment greenhouse. Sorted out the greenhouse and introduced the additional gravel trays I picked up in the 1/2 price Wilko Gardening sale yesterday.

The greenhouse is now tidy and ready for more stuff, so as soon as the weather is better I'm going to sow two more trays of onions and two more of beetroot. I harvested some more beetroot to bring home and we have eaten the last lot. The way we go thru salad and beetroot, I can't really see us pickling much this year if any.

Twisted off the tops of the beetroot and cut up and put in the compost bin. I really should turn it around a little. Time fly's down there and it was time to come away and I have an appointment this afternoon and work things to do.

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