
Tuesday 29 July 2014

Tuesday 29th July 2014 - Blue Water Pipe

Early morning visit to the allotment.

The car was running on vapours so I filled up with petrol and noticed that the building site next door still had blue water pipe rolled up. Popped in and spoke to the site agent and came away with 3 rolls of pipe 1x20mm and 2x 25mm dia. which I have cut up for small and large hoops.

I watered the sad looking tomatoes in the grow house, the conservatory to the shed and the peppers, beetroots and onions in the greenhouse. Watered the runner beans and weeded bed 3 around the beetroots and tied back the cucumbers to the trellis.

Found another cucumber for my trouble so that's 4 I have now. I'm not quite sure how long you let them get before you pick them as there is no guidance on the multipack they came from so any guidance from anyone reading out there is welcome.

The onions have all but one fallen over or been knocked over by basil and crew and have gone brown so I have lifted and left on the top to dry out.

The second wave of red and white spring onions are doing well, I hope these last long enough for the third wave to grow to a similar size.

Note to self - Plant one or two trays of onions and beetroots every two weeks next year... 

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