
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Tuesday 22nd July 2014

Another very hot and sunny day. Dropped wife to her sister and decided to pop to the allotment to water the contents of the greenhouse and the grow house. I also watered the marrows and the trees that were flagging slightly in the heat. Not wanting to be in the direct sunlight for too long I worked up the top end of the site on fitting up the extension to the shed that I've had in mind since last year.

The sides were a fence panel that blew out in the high winds last year that I cut to size. The twin wall polycarbonate sheeting was a freecycle item last year- so cordless drill and saw in hand I knocked up the extension which makes my shed look very Little House on the Prairie like when viewed from the bottom of the plot.

Three tomatoes that were out in the open are now residing in the extension which I plan to use as a cold frame by putting some more polycarbonate in the front to harden off plants before planting out next year.

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