
Tuesday 1 July 2014

Tuesday 1st July 2014 - Swarm of Bees

Rain for the last couple of days so I have not needed to go down to water my brother-in-laws allotment, but I did need to visit today to water the peppers in the greenhouse and the tomatoes in the grow house

Also managed to clad the greenhouse with netting but it's gone on the outside fixed with bulldog clips rather than on the inside. Cleared the weeds from bed 1 and planted the parsnips I took down from the space saver greenhouse at home. Also managed to tidy the racking system beside the shed and tidy up the plot a little.

There was a swarm of bees that formed and then settled in a tree. I telephoned the lady who keeps the bees and she popped down and was coming back in the evening to collect the swarm. She didn't have too, a little while after she left they were off, over her bee plot and descended into one of the hives.
Here are the remaining jobs on my list

01) Clear behind the shed and clear Bed 4 - Continued
02) Prep Bed 4
04) Hoops and netting Bed 4
08) Pot on/ plant out Cucumbers
09) Install Kerb stones
10) Plant Trees in 30 litre buckets in the ground by kerb stones
11a) Cut off ends and paint posts with preservative.
11b) Take unused post from backgarden to allotment
11c) Install Posts and wires for trees
13) Dig Bed 14 
14) Sow more spring onions - Done but thinking of sowing more in vending machine cups
15) Sow More Beetroot - Done but thinking of sowing more in vending machine cups
19) Sow peas - Done now chitting and sowing more as poor germination rate 
20) Fix shade netting inside the greenhouse

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