
Sunday 6 July 2014

Sunday 6th July -

I was up early but as I was about to leave at 6:00 it started to rain..... A couple of hours later 8:00 the rain nearly stopped and I decided to visit to water the greenhouse and growhouse. The weather brightened up, It was too wet for digging, but I managed to 
  • Cut up some more comfrey, and fill the comfrey pipe up again, charge with comfrey liquid and water
  • Feed the tomatoes with comfrey.
  • Re fill the comfrey water butt with water.
  • Cut back the foliage from the Potatoes that have turned yellow and wilted
  • Weeded around the onions
  • Weeded around the allotment generally and tidy up.
  • Harvested a lettuce 
  • Harvested more spring onions
  • Sieved the slate chippings and lay around two of the apple trees.
  • Planted some charlotte potatoes for a later crop. 
  • Start disposing of all the pop bottles
  • Re wind the runner beans around the bamboo canes they were supposed to climb and trim the ends as I want them to fill out now.
It was kind of nice just pottering around with no real pressure to achieve specific tasks, and the allotment looks better for it.
Came home about 12:15 ish 
NOTE to self - Use the Greenhouses and get a lot more ready earlier next year and plant a whole lot of stuff in the allotment in the first two weeks of June next year

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