
Tuesday 15 July 2014

13th and 14th July 2014

Sunday 13th July - Rain stopped play in the morning and as the girls were both away the wife and I had a lazy afternoon.
Monday 14th July - Dropped off the wife at her sisters at 10:30 and picked her up at 2:00 - Allotment in between Dug the next 1/4 of Bed 7 New Potatoes starting from the end again and picking up potatoes I missed.
  • Watered the Green house and Grow House Plants
  • Weeded Bed 1 
  • Planted out Baby Beetroots in Bed 1
  • Planted Peas in Bed 7 using two dog cage panels between dexion as trellis
  • Filled more soft bricks and re -loaded trays with wet sand
  • Harvested some more spring onions 
  • Topped up the compost with items from home and the allotment

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