
Thursday 5 June 2014

Thursday 5th June

It's been a strange day warm then cold, still the suddenly breezy overcast then sunny then back to overcast but I needed to go to the post office to serve some Party Wall Awards so on the way back Kelly and I went to B&Q and picked up two 125L sacks of Verve Multipurpose Compost.

Kelly and I dropped off the Verve to the allotment, and she wheel barrowed the Verve to the plot. Kelly then had a chat with Keith and Pauline who were on their plot, Paul and his significant other were there and so was the tenant of Plot 3 who is not happy that I used his first name only on a notice updating where the council are going to repair the fence. So in future if I refer to him here it will be as the tenant on No 3 Plot.

It not allotment protocol to use names I should be using plot numbers apparently!  For Christ sake get a life You always get one and on our allotment he is the one  :tongue2: Rant over  :nowink:

I managed to water the plants in the greenhouse and get in 8 more runner beans in on frame2 so I need to start off another 6 - 8 (must count remaining strings) so that's job 03 completed on the list above

Also sowed another half tray of cauliflowers at home as the first lot did not germinate

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