
Sunday 8 June 2014

Sunday 8th June 2014

Up early and at the allotment for 6:30 - I managed to dig from bed 11 to the end of the plot and get the bed edging in then around 9:00 I went to the café and had coffee and a bacon sandwich, then back at it.

I've managed to clear the woodchips that had been stored where bed 13 is going (they went around bed 11 and some of bed 12, and another three wheel barrow loads from the pile at the entrance to the site and the paths around beds 11 & 12 are now complete. I managed to break the rake today, so my home one will have to come down the allotment and I will have to see what I can do about repairing the allotment rake.

I installed the hooped frame and planted my sprouts in using the weed membrane I cut up yesterday. I was in the process of putting the debris netting on when before I knew it, it was 1:00 and I had a quick round up of tools threw them in the shed and made my way home. The debris netting is not complete so a return visit is planned for the afternoon.

Well with one thing and another the return visit turned out to be between 6:00 - 7:30 and I managed to get the netting sealed up as tight as a drum and also sorted out the hose runs as my post above. I also watered all the allotment and some of the tomatoes in the grow house were looking a little sad so I gave then a good water. Looks like the sad tomato need a bigger pot 

So Jobs 12 and 13 on my list now done

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