
Saturday 7 June 2014

Watering System

Severe Weather Warnings in place around the country - rain due here all day. I was up at 5:00 and on the allotment at just past 6:00 only to find that over half of my Plum Roma tomatoes in the greenhouse had been fried to a crisp, dried up and withered by the extreme heat and sun yesterday (Going into Wacky Races Mutley Mode

Well I watered everything in the greenhouse and the toms in the grow house which all appear to have grown at least 6" since the last time I saw them, one is even touching the top shelf of the grow house. 

On a positive note the beetroots are nearly big enough to plant out into the end of bed 1

You cage the strawberries from the squirrels and birds and the blooming ants are eating them!

It started to spit with rain - I wound the runner beans around the strings where they had not quite managed to get the hang of it themselves and I weeded bed 1 and bed 2 and filled a tug before calling it a day as the rain started to get heavier.

Midday a visit to the garden centre to see of they have any more large pots in the recycle pot bin - got a few medium size but not what I was looking for. The sun came out dried up the rain and the decking so cut off two 1.2 x 2.4m sheets of weed membrane and cut eight 100mm holes in 600mm centres for the sprouts and cabbage - The aim being to get them in tomorrow weather permitting. A visit to the 99p shop but they are out of slug pellets - Doh!

I did get two more hose ends for the planned extension to the watering system on the allotment, and I now have more hose to play with. Drawing below shows the pipe arrangement there are only 4 hoses off the main run down the allotment but this way I can service both runs of beds either side of the main central path.

Evening - Pot on four more 100's and 1000's tomatoes that were looking very sorry for themselves, let's just see how they do and if they recover - I do have 21 in the greenhouse now so if a couple fail it's not a big problem.

Also sowed

10 x Italian Kitchen Lettuce Cos
10 x Mini Iceberg Hearts - They failed to germinate last time so let see what happens this time
10 x Little Gen Lettuce 

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