
Sunday 15 June 2014

Saturday 14th June 2014

A visit this morning to water the dwindling contents of the allotment greenhouse and to plant two marrows and two courgettes after asking for help and guidance on the forum on how far apart and where best to plant them.

It appears I need squash for in between and around my sweet corn. I went and cleared the debris on bed 15A and 15B - all the dried up strawberries went into the composter and I put manure on the beds then covered them with cardboard which is held down with timber for the moment, weed membrane pegs will be used to keep in them in place so I can remove the timber and then a sprinkle of woodchip will go over the top next visit.

I had a little visitor whilst doing this ... I have no idea what he is but he is very trusting and came right up to me, I'm used to my local robin but I have not seen this little fellow before.

I forgot to say this particular area was like slug and snail city because of the pots and covering up and debris that was there and I did have a wee killing spree cutting up slugs etc. I feel bad killing these things but they eat my babies ..... I could never be a Buddhist

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