
Monday 2 June 2014

Monday 2nd June 2014

A lunch time visit to water the reducing plants in the greenhouse - the Tomatoes in the grow house and to get in the sulking red onions and the spring onions into bed 3.

Immediate Jobs to do List (No particular order)

01) Weed bed 1 and harvest some radish
02) Put up strings on 2nd bean frame
03) plant out runner beans
04) Sow next wave of runner Beans
05) Plant out second wave of beetroots
06) Sow 3rd wave of beetroots
07) Pot on Peppers
08) Pot on cucumbers
09) Install Kerb stones
10) Plant Trees in 30 litre buckets in the ground by kerb stones
11) Install Posts and wires for trees
12) Dig bed 12 and excavate hump and fill dip.
13) Plant out Sprouts and cover with hoop and nets
14) Sow more spring onions
15) Cut Shelves for Space Saver Greenhouse

I'm sure there is a whole lot more to do but that's what in the front of my mind

Picture below is the sulking red and Spring Onions the back row and a half then the next upright  half a row and the row in front are Ishikura Spring Onions

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