
Thursday 26 June 2014

26th June 2014 - Beautiful the Robin

I was up at 5:00 and wide awake and thought, OK I didn't get to the allotment yesterday and had visions of sagging tomatoes so a swift visit was made to water.

My little Robin (now named "beautiful" as that's what I call him when I talk to him) was there and all round me. He gets so close I'm afraid I may accidently tread on him. I must get some fat balls for him.

Looking up as I was aware of motion over by plots 13 & 14, I spied Basil Brush and two of his mates bouncing up and down on the hoops and netting on Micks plot, and looking harder it appeared that one of the foxes was inside the enclosure. So I went over to let the little bugger out, but they all scarpered and I could see that Mick appeared to have lapped the netting and not cable tied it together...Big big mistake

They appear to have also had a go at bashed the ends of my two enclosures and two ends were loose but they had not managed to get in, thank god. They have already broken one sprout and one sweet corn.  Note to self .. sow a couple of spare sprouts. 

Andy on plot 12 had said that they had demolished one of his enclosures and flattened the plants inside. From the look of them they are young pups and would appear to have found a new game, like trampolines and getting into mischief at the same time. Beautiful creatures but a real pain in the rear end.

I did a little weeding between watering, as I travelled from hose to hose on my extended watering network. Keith is buying an x-hose for the allotment, OK it will not snag but you still have to drag it around plus it will need locking away when not used, as they are not cheap and would no doubt walk if not locked away. At least with the watering network I've built and the pop bottles in the ground I can water the whole allotment relatively quickly. 

It's great to see one runner bean has made it to the end of the cantilevering Bamboo frame, and about 3 more are on their way.

Home by 6:45 so I'm guessing I had just over an hour on the plot. I do love it down there, if I could I would be there all day every day, is that sad?     

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