
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Wednesday 11th June 2014

Up early and finished up a job that needed to be sent via royal mail. My daughter is on a late shift so I dropped her off went to the post office then down to the allotment to water as I didn't get around to it last night.

Swept up the weeds that I had thrown on the path to die in the sun yesterday, need my tools to break up the dog cage to use for my cucumbers and peas. Two of the most chatty plot holders turned up one after the other, but I was on a swift get things done visit and didn't really want to be chatty and the time just got eaten up - Doh!

I found one strawberry that has not been got at and it tasted really sweet and lovely - next year a frame off the ground like my brother in law has made. Helped another couple of runner beans find the strings - gave them a good watering along with the tomatoes

I really need to clear behind the shed - hopefully tomorrow if lucky

Brought home my allotment seed box and sowed

  8 x Runner beans in loo rolls to fill the gap in the 2nd Frame - Job 05
24 x Module seed tray of Lincoln Peas - Job 19
16 x Parsnips in loo rolls as those sown in the ground have done nothing - Not listed Job

There are now 18 of the 30 vending machine cups that have beetroot seedlings showing
The 1/2 tray of mini plum tomatoes is germinating nicely, these were the seeds from TESCO bought tomatoes As if I need any more tomatoes but this is an experiment to see what we get.

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