
Sunday 26 January 2014

Saturday 25th January 2014 - Greenhouse Day

Keith gave me a call this morning to say that he and Pauline were back from shopping and we could start dismantling the greenhouse - We lost one nut and one screw (different times) in the grass and could not find them but managed to get it apart just in time for lunch.

The framework is now residing on the allotment and all the plastic panels came home to be washed off - Where it's been in the corner of the garden up against two fences for a couple  of years the outside of the panels had developed a nice coating of green algae. Just got it all cleared away before it went dark and the heavens opened.

So I need to get some timbers for the base and have now decided to place the greenhouse on Bed 6 so that I can get all around it. Another alteration to my Master Plan - Also now thinking about making Bed 5 a permanent strawberry bed.   

I could do with identifying the make of this greenhouse to see if I can get some replacement plastic strips that hold the plastic panels on place. I know it came from B&Q but they don't sell anything like it anymore.

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