
Friday 3 January 2014

Friday 3rd January 2014

 My youngest daughter asked if I could drop her off to work, OK said I, well being half way to the allotment and the Astra Windows old yard. It would be rude not to see if I could get more plastic extrusions to use as edging.

The caretaker John 79 was there,

John "hello son, back for some more"
Me   "Yes please, if you don't mind"
John "Take what you want, the more you take the less I have to get rid off"

So an hour of sorting and cutting and I have more plastic all cut to 2.4m and enough for the whole plot with a few strips spare. I also got some small cross section mouldings that I can use to link the water pipe hoops together rather than buying more 8ft bamboo. John suggested I drop down next week and pick some more up for the runner beans.

John and I got talking, turns out he has a load of scaffold boards and timber joists which he just needs to check the company don't have a need for and he will phone me next week to collect. So I may be able to create a few raised beds along the path. I just managed to fill the car as the rain started, a quick trip around the corner and three trips had it all on the allotment.

I've laid out 3 strips of plastic next to each bed and doubled up where I have not dug on the other side of the flag stone path. The stuff for the triangular area is stacked in front of the shed on top of the timber fencing.

I also managed to get the netting off beds 6 and 8 and tied up the hoops and stored behind the shed. Managed to get home for lunch about 12:30 and the heavens opened and a little thunder.

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